Fraxel Laser Treatment

What is Fraxel Laser Treatment?

Double up on the lasers and stack up the results with Fraxel Dual Laser treatment. This innovative and effective treatment uses twice the number of most laser treatments so you can achieve twice-as-nice skin. Two laser wavelengths in a single device allow us to target problem areas at the skin’s surface and far beneath, so you get a treatment customized to your skincare needs and goals.


Pure Dermatology is ready to be your partner on your journey to healthier, clearer, more supple skin. Find out how we can be your Santa Monica Fraxel laser treatment provider.

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How Fraxel Dual Laser Treatment Works

Fraxel laser treatment uses two laser beams to penetrate skin and stimulate collagen production. The laser wand can target specific areas and treat multiple skin concerns simultaneously. The beams direct energy under the superficial layer of the skin, where it’s absorbed by water in the cells. The cells then heat up and break down, sparking healing and regrowth in the skin’s surface. Fraxel laser treatment is an effective way to rejuvenate skin, improve its appearance, and reverse signs of aging. 

Fraxel Skin Rejuvenation and Other Benefits

Fraxel laser treatment gives skin a boost and sparks cell turnover so you can get clearer, smoother, glowing skin. Fraxel treatment offers a number of benefits and treats several skin conditions, including the following:

Fraxel Skin Resurfacing

Noticeable pores and uneven skin tone? Fraxel has you covered. The dual lasers will shrink pores and improve skin texture, so the surface of your skin looks fresh and rejuvenated.

Fraxel Laser Facial

One of the primary uses for Fraxel treatment is to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face. By stimulating new collagen production, Fraxel can slow or turn the tide on the aging process.

Fraxel Laser for Hyperpigmentation

Fraxel treatment can lighten pigmented areas including sun spots, age spots, and melasma, to help create a more even skin tone.

Fraxel Laser for Scars

Fraxel laser treatment can help break down scar tissue and reduce coloration from certain scars. Scar improvement has been noted with acne scars, surgical scars, and more.

Fraxel Laser for Stretch Marks

Just as with scarring, Fraxel laser treatment can also help reduce the appearance and pigmentation of stretch marks on different areas of the body.

Fraxel Treatment for Actinic Keratosis

Actinic keratosis are pre-cancerous skin lesions that can become problematic if not dealt with. Fraxel treatment can reduce or eliminate these lesions, both those that are visible and those that are hidden and growing beneath the skin.

Where Can Fraxel Laser Treatments be Applied?

Fraxel Dual Laser treatment is probably most common as a facial treatment, but it can be used in a number of areas on the body, including:

  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Hands
  • Arms

If you’re looking for Fraxel laser treatment in Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades, Culver City, West LA, or surrounding areas, then you’re looking for Pure Dermatology. We can assess where Fraxel treatment will have the biggest impact on your skin, and design a tailored treatment plan just for you.

Is Fraxel Right for Me?

Fraxel laser treatment is safe and effective for many different skin types and issues. Most candidates for Fraxel have similar skin challenges, including visible signs of aging, sun damage, scarring, uneven skin tone, or different forms of hyperpigmentation.


Fraxel treatment is not recommended for every individual. Those with certain skin conditions like severe eczema or some autoimmune disorders are probably not good candidates. Additionally, we recommend against Fraxel treatment for anyone with an active tan, or those who have used Isotretinoin as an acne treatment within the past 6 months.

The Fraxel Procedure in 4 Steps

Two lasers and four simple steps — that’s all it takes to achieve healthy, smooth, gorgeous skin. When you book a Fraxel laser treatment, you’ll be in great hands with a board-certified dermatologist from Pure Dermatology. Here’s what we’ll do:

Step One: Consultation

We’ll begin with an in-depth consultation to evaluate your skin type and discuss your goals. From there, we can create a highly-customized plan using the Fraxel’s dual lasers to target precise areas and get you noticeable results.

Step Two: Preparation

Before treatment, we will thoroughly cleans the skin in the area to be treated, and then apply a topical anesthetic to minimize any discomfort.

Step Three: Fraxel Treatment

Your treatment provider will move the wand over the selected areas and deliver Fraxel’s dual beams to the exact spots where you want to see results. The process typically takes around 20 minutes, but may be more or less depending on the size and number of areas being treated.

Step Four: Post-Treatment Care

Once the procedure is complete, we’ll apply a soothing topical ointment and go over any aftercare instructions. 

What Results Can I Expect from Fraxel Laser Treatment?

You will likely notice smoother, more even skin around one week post-treatment. As your skin heals and recovers from the laser, you’ll see continued improvements for up to six months. During this time, you may see pigmentation even out, pores shrinks, scars minimize, and fine lines and wrinkles smooth out. Results can be seen even longer with proper skincare and maintenance, though additional treatment sessions may be needed depending on your skin condition and goals.

Before & After Photos

See yourself in brighter, clearer, smoother skin with Fraxel Dual Laser treatment:

Typical Costs of Fraxel

Fraxel laser treatment pricing varies quite a bit from person to person because it is so highly customizable. Every individual will have different goals and a unique treatment plan designed for them. The dual lasers make it possible to treat multiple skin concerns at one time, in larger areas. Pricing for Fraxel treatment will fluctuate based on the number of areas treated, the size of those areas, and the number of treatment sessions needed. If you’re concerned about working Fraxel laser treatment into your budget, contact us at Pure Dermatology, and we’ll discuss your needs and get you a custom quote.

Preparing for Fraxel Laser Treatment

You won’t need to prep all that much for Fraxel laser treatment, but we do ask that you stay out of the sun if at all possible for two weeks before the procedure. If you do go out, be sure to wear sunscreen. If you tan regularly, discontinue this at least two weeks prior. Also discontinue use of any retinoids or photosensitizing agents. Your dermatologist will discuss this with you at your consultation and provide guidance on which products to pause before treatment.


Fraxel Aftercare

After Fraxel treatment, many patients report feeling as if they have a sunburn in the treated area. This may include some redness, swelling, tingling, and discomfort. Do not be alarmed — this is a temporary effect, and should subside within a couple days. You may also notice something patients refer to as a “coffee ground” effect on the skin, which happens when pigment is drawn closer to the skin’s surface. This too will diminish over the course of a few days, with total recovery expected after one week.


You can use a topical anesthetic to soothe skin, or take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory to manage any pain. Continue to wear sunscreen when outdoors, and use gentle skincare products after the treatment.

Fraxel FAQ

We know you have a lot of questions, and we’re here to answer them.

Fraxel or Clear and Brilliant? Which do I need?

Both Fraxel and Clear and Brilliant are laser treatments that work to smooth and even the skin. Often called “Baby Fraxel,” Clear and Brilliant is a gentler treatment. It may be a better choice for those with more sensitive skin and minor skin conditions, while Fraxel might be more effective for more noticeable issues.

How many Fraxel sessions do I need?

Some people need only one Fraxel session to see results and notice smoother, clearer, more radiant skin. However, depending on the condition being treated, maintenance sessions may be required to prolong results. One to four sessions is typical, but more or ongoing sessions may be needed.

Is Fraxel laser treatment painful?

Fraxel laser treatment is minimally painful, with most patients reporting mild discomfort and a feeling similar to a sunburn after treatment. Your dermatologist will apply a topical anesthetic before the procedure, and a soothing ointment afterwards to manage any discomfort.

Can Fraxel laser treatment be combined with other treatments?

Yes, Fraxel laser treatment can be combined with other treatments. Often, patients who undergo Fraxel treatment also use Botox, dermal fillers, or other treatments, products, and procedures that benefit the skin and slow the aging process.

2x the Lasers. 2x the Impact. Schedule Your Fraxel Laser Consultation Today

Reveal the healthy, glowing skin just beneath the surfact with Fraxel Dual Laser treatment. At Pure Dermatology, we would love to be your trusted partner on your journey to radiant, rejuvenated skin. Book your fraxel consultation today, and let’s get started. 

Schedule a Fraxel Laser Consultation
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